Nomination Committee and Auditors of ESAM

Dear Member Associations ,

Here is your Nomination Committee Chair again, this time with another request.

During our GA at the ICAM conference in Paris, we should also appoint a new Nomination Committee of 3 persons, and 2 new Auditors !

The actual ones were appointed at the congress in Prague and their replacement is overdue. It are not difficult tasks, for the Nominating Committee every year around this time the member associations must be reminded about the vote for a new President-Elect or a new Executive Committee (alternating) , the practical issues are handled by our webmaster and administrative assistant  ; for the auditors, at the GA they go through the (small) financial book-keeping together with our treasurer to check if it has been handled correctly.

I hope that in the many executive committees of our member associations a few colleagues can be found to take up these small but necessary tasks , it is also an interesting introduction to participate a bit in the work of ESAM.

May I count on your dissemination of this request ?

Many thanks,
Roland Vermeiren
Chair of the Nominating Committee of ESAM