I have just returned from attending the congress of the Slovenian Society of Aerospace Medicine in Ljubljana, held at the Josef-Stefan Institute.
The meeting was organised by Tomaz Kozelj, President of the Society. I gave two presentations. The first about the history and future direction of ESAM. The second, an AMEs view of the implementation of the new EASA rules in the United Kingdom, and their implications for the future.This provoked a lively debate amongst the delegates.
There were many other interesting presentations during the day, and I am grateful to those speakers who made their presentation, or presented their powerpoint, in English, for my benefit.
The meeting was a great success and Jenny and I enjoyed our fleeting visit to the city..
We are grateful to Tomaz's colleague, Dr Franc Zupanic, CEO of Slovenia Control for his generous hospitality with our hotel room, and a true 'fine dining' experience on Saturday evening.
Our thanks also go to Tomaz and his wife Breda, who despite a very busy weekend,were most generous and attentive in their hospitality, and made us most welcome in their own home. In the true spirit of International aerospace friendship.
Its back on the diet now....:--((