A quick reflection on the ECAM in London, as the dust has now settled! Most delegates seem to have enjoyed the weekend. We had 240 delegates on day one, and 190 on day 2, so the largest ECAM so far. The whole event was a lot of hard work and I am grateful to the organising committee from AAME and ESAM for all their support. Thanks also to the selection committee for the abstracts, to 3D Performance our conference organisers, and to the Simulator team from BA.
Thank you and some Bits and Bobs
In fact, a big thank you to everyone who contributed to making the meeting a success including all the delegates.
We have received a few questions about the scientific abstracts, and presentations. We are in the process of getting written permission from all the presenters for their slides to appear on the website. We anticipate that the Saturday presentations will appear on www.aame.co.uk and the abstracts and Sunday presentations on the ESAM site. There will be links on each site. A couple of the presentations are very large files, and these may need to be be displayed using a link to another site. This process is going to take a while, but we hope to complete it by January next year, so please, please, be patient !
And finally, a question about fees for 2013. The fees remain at 10 euros per member of our constituent organisations, but in 2013 the discount for prompt payment will be 25%, so 7.5 euros payable. Full details of the discount period will appear on the site next year, but could I remind you that you should notify our Treasurer, Carla Ledderhos, of the numbers of paid-up members in your organisation for 2013 without delay. We take your number on trust, but if you don't tell us, we will use the number from 2012.